CHARGED WITH ASSAULT AND/OR BATTERY? Call Us NOW (248) 379-5972 for a Free Consultation!

Assault crimes involve the intentional, voluntary, use of force or the threat of force, without consent, against another person. Most assault crimes may be complete even though the other party is not injured. The threat of physical contact is often sufficient.

Misdemeanor and felony assault related crimes are pretty high on the list of common crimes charged in Michigan and in our Oakland County Courts. Misdemeanors mean that punishment cannot exceed 1 year while a felony can be punished for more than 1 year up to life in prison.

AVOID GETTING A FELONY ON YOUR RECORD. The are so many things you can’t do when you have a felony on your records – like have any job you want and own a firearm. My top priority is keeping your record clean so you don’t ruin the rest of your life. I’ll coach you through this difficult time and get your life back on track and hopefully even better than before you met us.

Assault Crimes and Maximum Penaltys

Assault Crime Maximum Penalty
Attempted murder Life imprisonment
Assault with intent to murder Life imprisonment
Assault with intent to do great bodily harm 10 years imprisonment
Assault by strangulation, suffocation 10 years imprisonment
Assault with a dangerous weapon 4 years imprisonment
Aggravated assault 1 year in jail (misdemeanor)
Assault and battery 90 days in jail (misdemeanor)
Domestic violence 1st offense 93 days in jail (misdemeanor)
Domestic violence 2nd offense 1 year in jail (misdemeanor)
Domestic violence 3rd offense 5 years imprisonment (felony)

I will make sure you don’t get hit with the maximum penalty and are able to finally close this chapter of your life and start a brand new one.


I know the stakes are high when you’re charged with an assault crime. An assault crime conviction can significantly change your life – being labeled as a potentially dangerous and violent person. The right to own firearms or obtain a concealed weapons license (CPL) may be lost following an assault conviction.I will craft a strategy unique to each client to minimize your legal exposure and keep your record clean.

I have taken numerous cases involving self-defense to trial and have won every single time – my clients walk free!

Disposition Options for Adults and Juveniles:

Fortunately, when trial is not a good strategy, there are a number of options to lessen the degree of punishment and I will always negotiate the best one for you:

  • Offenders between the ages 17-23 to get dismissal & seal record – HYTA
  • Dismiss & seal record for first time Domestic Violence, MCL 769.4a
  • Getting a delayed sentence
  • Reduce a felony charge to a misdemeanor (extremely important to NOT get a felony on your record)
  • Plan for an expungement for 5 years
  • Reduce an assault charge to a non-violent crime; disorderly conduct

A lot of the time, cases that seems too crazy and “unwinnable” are a walk in the park for Joseph Arabbo.  I see this kind of stuff all the time. Have no fear, you are definitely in good hands.

Be at ease and call me to chat (248) 379-5972